What is Neurofeedback Therapy?
Neurofeedback, sometimes known as EEG biofeedback, literally means “brain” and “input”, where the brain waves are input to a computer program which analyzes and returns the results to the brain. Neurofeedback specifically detects irregular brainwaves, then produces a signal that is designed to correct the irregularity and guide the brainwave back into a healthy pattern. Once irregular patterns have been identified, they can be corrected using guided audio and visual feedback. With repetition of this process over time, the brain will learn to stay in healthy ranges without the aid of the computer. The result is an improvement in brain regulation, which in turn can reduce or eliminate many neurological symptoms. This amazing technology has proven itself effective over decades of research studies and real world application with conditions such as Depression, Anxiety, ADHD, Fibromyalgia, Migraines, Insomnia, Addition, Substance Abuse, PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury, Stroke, Memory Loss, Obsessive OCD, Lyme Disease, Learning Disorders, Cognitive Decline in Elderly and a host of other disorders.
Many athletes find that neurofeedback training helps their mental clarity and enhances peak performance by sharpening their timing and skills.
Many students find that neurofeedback training helps increase attention and concentration, for improved learning and memory.
Business leaders and co-workers report that neurofeedback training improves mental flexibility, to shift more easily from one task to another.
Many folks report that neurofeedback training helps to regulate emotion, thinking and behavior, for balanced daily functioning.
About Brainwaves
Your brain produces four primary types of brain waves: Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta. Beta is primarily active during your awake state, which is the majority of your day. Alpha has to do with your subconscious, and is dominant during relaxed states when your eyes are closed but you are not asleep. Theta is present briefly during the periods before you fall asleep and before you fully wake up. Delta is primarily active when you are asleep. All of these brain waves are equally important to your health, and neurological disorders can be attributed to specific brain waves. For example, when you have brain irregularities caused by a head injury, your brain may have too much frontal theta or delta being produced when you are supposed to be awake and alert. By retraining these abnormal patterns in the affected areas, symptoms can be improved or eliminated.

What is Neurofeedback therapy?
Neurofeedback uses audio and visual cues to change timing and activation patterns in the brain. It does not target any condition, but instead slowly guides your brain back to normal ranges, reconnecting the neural pathways that have been disconnected. The result is an improvement in brain regulation, which in turn impacts a variety of symptoms.
Research also shows that we can train our brain to correct faulty brain wave activity. Neurofeedback uses a learning process that strengthens your brain. It “exercises” the areas of the brain that control attention, emotion and behavior, therefore strengthens those areas. It increases your awareness of your brain’s natural rhythm, which enables you to learn how to control its rhythm in a way which improves your day-to-day functioning and well-being. It’s much like resetting of a clock, tuning a piano or getting a tune-up for a car’s engine so that it runs more smoothly.
What to Expect From a Neurofeedback Session
Neurofeedback sessions involve relaxing for 30 minutes while you watch a movie or listen to music of your choice. Electrodes are attached to your scalp that monitor your brainwaves during the session. When irregular patterns are detected, a response is triggered from the software that pauses or dims the video or music. Your brain senses the change and subconsciously modifies itself back into a normal pattern. With repetition of this process, eventually your brain learns to stay within healthy ranges on its own without neurofeedback.
How to Get Started with Neurofeedback Therapy
Call today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Findlay in order to answer all of your questions and get started with your personalized course of treatment. Our friendly, efficient staff is here to provide you with the best care, using new innovative technology in a comfortable environment.
Neurofeedback Therapy, is a biofeedback therapy that provides immediate feedback from a computer program that assesses a client’s brainwave activity. Neurofeedback can have a direct influence on the processing of pain. This allows the reduction or even elimination of pain. Chronic pain can also induce changes in the functional organization of the brain. Neurofeedback can allow the control of pain by altering the connectivity between brain regions, thereby inducing long-lasting changes in neuronal networks that can counterbalance the changes induced by chronic pain. /https://www.facebook.com/AllHealthWPB/ https://allhealthchiro.com/contact/